A Total Turnkey Service and Industry Leader in setting GLOBAL STANDARD operations, to assist our clients by focusing on TRAINING TO OPERATE.



With over 120 years combined experience, our vision is to become the total turnkey service provider leading the industry in setting GLOBAL STANDARD operations, assisting our clients by focusing on TRAINING TO OPERATE.

Global Standards Africa was essentially founded due to specific industry demands and the change in industry legislation during 2020, in order to conform to Global Standards. As a Company we strive to achieve the ultimate goal of zero harm to people and the environment with zero tolerance for human fatalities.

The standard requires of us as Operators to take the responsibility and prioritize the safety of tailings facilities, through all phases of the facility’s life-cycle, including closure and post-closure.

Global Standards Africa being the holding Company, with three subsidiaries, allows and supports a total turnkey solution to our client’s needs.

Our operating structure and support profile provides a framework for safe tailings facility management, whilst affording our clients flexible options to achieve these goals.

Being owner-managed and driven by years of self-gained experience in setting GISTM standards and principles, we are confident that we will realise our vision of becoming the Leaders in setting Global Standard Operations.


As Global Standards Africa we follow our internal Quality Management System, specifically designed to capture a collection of processes focused on consistently meeting our clients’ requirements and enhancing their satisfaction.

Due to the comprehensive requirement of tailings monitoring including engineered structures, components and equipment; our QMS system ensures a professional, detailed and comprehensive data base.

Moreover we capture the management of the tailings facility, other mine waste managed with tailings (e.g. waste rock, water treatment residues) and any water managed in the facility (including pore fluid, any ponds and surface water inflows and discharges).

We act in a management support function, relieving the RFTE responsibilities. We take ownership to support, guide and train our clients on how to operate in a safe and responsible manner. With the aim of achieving global standards across the mining industry, the ultimate goal is to eliminate fatalities and catastrophic events.

Empowerment Policy

Our AIM is to become the leading consulting firm for tailings management, by training to operate. We strive to create a pool of qualified employees, both local and international and from all ethnic backgrounds, who are capable of shouldering the responsibility of managing the company’s investments. We are committed to assisting our employees, at all levels, in reaching their full potential, by affording them every opportunity to advance their individual roles and careers, and thereby serving and growing the Company’s interest as a whole within the emerging Africa market. In essence our empowerment program is focused on business and individual advancement opportunities, as well as entrepreneurial development or previously disadvantaged communities and companies.

Our Inhouse Staff

Site Agents

Project Managers

Safety Managers

Logistical Managers

Marketing and Sales

Geotechnical Engineers


Civil Engineers

Company Timeline

our amazing team




Qualified and experienced in all methodologies related to tailings deposition. Overseeing the daily management of the company and specializing in deposition methods, construction, project management, marketing, and sales. We pride ourselves on the fact that 95% of our staff assisted with the implementation of GISTM and ICMM standards. This is testimony to the excellent working standards, ethics , and relationships that form part of the Global Standards Africa DNA. Going forward our employees will continue to be the backbone that supports and drives the GSA experience


Part of the management team at GSA Pty Ltd which supports and drives the management vision and mission statements on our tailing's facilities. Taking ownership of the GISTM requirement implementation through drone workflows, aeriel mapping, surveying, and 3d modeling just to name a few. Driving the GISTM standard implementation through our specialised monitoring database system.



Responsible for all financial, structural, and statutory requirements for the group and its partners. By securing and enhancing the footprint of GSA in Africa and internationally we can provide tailored made solutions through our partner network and internal expertise to our clients


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012 668 9000


28 Marais Street, Monavoni, Centurion, Gauteng, 0157

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Global Standards Africa